Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sirensong by Jenna Black (Faeriewalker 3)

Sirensong begins a fitting ending for the Faeriewalker Series.  Dana has been invited to be presented in the Seelie Court to Queen Tatianna.  Of course this means leaving her safe house in Avalon and traveling through Faerie to the Sunne Palace.  Dana's Dad is convinced that they cannot refuse and must travel with Prince Henry's entourage back to the palace.  Dana convinces her Dad to allow her to bring her psuedo-boyfriend Ethan and her BFF Kimber along with her bodyguards Finn and Keane.  However, Ethan and Keane both have feelings for Dana and old gudges so the journey promises to be anything but boring.  Dana is holding secrets that not only unravel over the course of the journey but threaten her friendships. 
Through the journey to the palace,  the party is attacked by Bogles which most certainly would have to been sent on purpose.  Dana's horse is also bespelled to run off and without her secret spell and the help of the Erlking, she most likely be dead.  Once at the palace, Dana is framed by someone for an attempt on Tatianna'a Granddaughter.  After barely escaping the palace, Ethan, Dana, Kimber, and Keane are on the run literally through the dangerous forests of Faery.  The action is good and spiced with enough romance to make it fun. 
Dana's impossible situation with the Erlking does get resolved. But I don't want to give away how. I confess I secretly like Keane.  I don't know if it was the bad boy defiance thing or the fact that he could and would kick your A$$ but I always was rooting for him.  I finally came around to Ethan but Keane was always there.  Overall, I was really happy with the ending and really enjoyed this series.  I would recommend it for fans of faerie books.

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