Friday, October 28, 2011

Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick

Silence is definitely the best of the 3 books in the Hush, Hush series so far.  This book starts 11 weeks after Crescendo ends.  You are thrust into the story as Nora finds herself in the graveyard with no memory of how she got there or where she has been.  She is shocked to find out she has been missing for 11 weeks and the last things she can remember is 5 months ago, sitting in Biology with her best friend, Vee.  Nora memory is gone and she doesn't remember the fallen angels, nephilim, or Patch.  She can't leave the missing memories alone and start over either.  She is compelled to solve the puzzle and continues to insert herself into dangerous situations. 
The best part of Silence is that Nora and Patch get to fall in love all over again.  Patch is more yummy in this book and of course, he hasn't lost any memories.  He believes that he is keeping Nora safe by staying away but he doesn't realize that Hank Millar has continued to be in Nora's life.  Hank is openly dating Nora's Mom and haunts Nora's new exsistence at every turn.  Nora's instinct continues to lead her in the right direction and helps her to find her memories.  Once Patch realizes that Hank hasn't lived up to their bargin, all bets are off.
This series really has sort of a love/hate relationship for me.  I love/hate that I can totally predict the story.  I never realize how much I enjoy being right about where a story is headed.  These stories are unpredictable and dark which at times irritates me.  I enjoyed the more open and vunerable Patch in this book.  I know like every YA book, this series has been compared to twilight.  But truthfully, other than the being where Nora and Patch meet and the circumstances surrounding, I think this series has veared off into it's own territory. 

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