The Shadow Falls series begins with Born at Midnight which follows Kylie Galen whose life is falling apart. Her grandma just died, her parents are getting a divorce, and she gets arrested for being underage at party serving drugs and alcohol. As a result of the arrest, her mom decides that to send her to a camp for troubled teens that her shrink recommended. But as it turns out nothing is as it seems. She finds out that she has special abilities and Shadow Falls is really a camp for Supernatural Teens. Kylie is an anamoly, not fitting into any group at the camp. She can talk to ghosts and has night visions of them. She has to learn to deal with a witch and vampire for roommates and learning about other supernatural cultures.
I am a sucker for supernatural schools and loved the story but sometimes Kylie seemed to all over the place emotionally. But because of all the revelations in her life, I can understand it. The only reason I gave this 4 instead of 5 stars was I really wish some of the mysteries could have been cleared up somewhat. The quest to find out what Kylie is drags out along with the romance between her and Derek. Lucas, who is much more sexy, is missing for much of the story so he really doesn't seem like he should be as big of a factor. I will continue reading this series and encourage anyone who likes supernatural YA to do the same.
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